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Clock and Watchmakers of Northamptonshire

This index is a partial list of clock and watchmakers who are known to have worked in Northamptonshire.  The initial list was compiled for an Exhibition in 1966 organised by Mr W. N. Terry curator of the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery.  It has been supplemented by entries from selected trade directories between 1784 and 1890, it also includes some clock and watchmakers from adjoining counties.  Some apparent duplication in this list is because the individual is known to have worked from several addresses.  You will need to check each entry.

Each of the links below will take you to a detailed record.

If you have any additions to this list or able to provide any biographical information about these people please contact me, as I hope to expand the content of this list in due course. Contact me

There are 621 records in the database, please use the search (partial strings allowed) or page through the data. For further details of a specific watch or clockmaker click on the name.

Total Records Found: 621, showing 25 per page
Westhorn, J. Northampton
Weston, W. Northampton
Weston, W. Wellingborough St. Mary's Pl.
Wheeler, J. H. Kettering
Wheeler, John Henry Kettering Narrow Bridge St.
Whissell, Thomas Oundle
Whitehead, William Brackley Narrow Bridge St.
Whiteman, J Northampton
Whitley, George Market Harborough, Leics. Long Causeway
Whitlock [Whillock], William Blisworth
Whitmore & Sons Northampton
Whitmore, Samuel Daventry Narrow Bridge St.
Whitmore, William Northampton High St.
Whitmore, William & Sons Northampton Long Causeway
Williams, George Wootton
Williams, John Brackley Narrow Bridge St.
Williams, Joseph East Adderbury, Oxfordshire Narrow Bridge St.
Williams, Thomas Brackley High St.
Williams, Thomas Kings Sutton
Williams, William East Adderbury, Oxfordshire
Wilmer, J. Northampton
Wilmot, Joseph Northampton
Wilson & Son Peterborough Gold St.
Wilson, Elizabeth and Son Peterborough Sheep St.
Wilson, F. D. Stamford, Lincs.

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