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Spring Lane, opening of the new school

The opening of the new school was celebrated and commemorated in the local press and took place at Spring Lane, Northampton 12th May 1970.

Chronicle and Echo Report 1970

The Chronicle and Echo reported the opening of the new school with the following words:

“Performing the opening ceremony the Chairman of the Schools Committee said that the rebirth of the school was an occasion of pride and joy.

Recalling that the original Spring Lane School was built in 1874, he said it was particularly appropriate that they should remember this today in their surroundings since the school was one of the first resulting from the Education Act of 1870, the centenary which is commemorated this year.”

The most exciting development at Spring Lane School was the starting of a special class for children with learning difficulties. The number of children in this class would not exceed 16 children.

The Chairman added:

“I am sure that we will all agree that a good school does not depend however on magnificent buildings. The quality of the education the children receive is almost entirely a question of leadership given the by the head teacher and the character of the teachers.”

The Mayor of Northampton, Alderman John Poole and the Mayoress were present and Rev A E Bransby dedicated the school.”


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