Was it a street or did it refer to a district of the town?
An early clear reference to North End is on Noble and Butlin’s 1747 map. North End appears to commence at the junction of Church Lane in Sheep Street and continues northwards to the edge of the map into what is today known as Regent’s Square. Broad Lane (later Broad Street joins from the west). Unfortunately, Noble and Butlin’s map does not extend further north.

The next map we have is Cole and Roper of 1807 but this adds little as it is largely based on Noble and Butlin from 60 years earlier. The problem this map gives us is that the area of interest is apparently less built up in 1807 than it was in 1746. It is possible this is a survey omission.
The next survey is Wood and Law’s of 1847. North End disappears from this map and Sheep Street now extends north-wards into the now named, Regents Square. Beyond Regents Square, the east side of the Leicester Road is named as Wellington Place. This is helpful as Wellington Place is mentioned in a press report.
The appendix lists a summary of extracts from the Northampton Mercury from 1770 until 1825 that refer to North End and enable some specific points to be established along the extent of North End.
North End appears to have extended from the point where Church Lane joins Sheep Street, north through Regents Square and as far as Wellington Place on the Leicester Road.
Appendix: List of newspaper references referring to North End
Northampton Mercury (date) | Reference | Interpretation | Referenced Map Location |
14 September 1772 | To be Sold, A SHE-ASS, with a Foal three Days old. Enquire at the Sign of the Black-Bull in North End, Northampton | The Black-Bull is presumed to be the Bull Inn and was located on the corner of Regents Square and Bull Lane (later Campbell Street) leading to Campbell Square at the read of Holy Sepulchre churchyard. | A |
8 October 1796 | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ARTHUR BROWNSGRAVE, On Tuesday next the 11th instant at the Sign of the Carpenters Arms, in North-End, Northampton | This should be a useful locator, however the precise position of the Carpenters Arms is not know. Another report when the whole premises is for auction (18 May 1799) describes the building being in the Upper End of Sheep Street adjoining the Great Road. This could be the junction of Broad Street and North End, i.e. Regents Square. | B |
2 June 1810 | To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. VORES. At the Black-Boy Inn, Northampton, on Monday the 11th day Of June instant, at Four 0'Clock in the Afternoon. in one Lot. Very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of St Sepulchre, in the Town of Northampton at or a Place there called Bell-Barn near the North End the said Town | This reference possibly conflicts with some of the other descriptions. Bell Barn was a street west of Sheep Street running from St Andrews Square (and the Mayorhold) ending in Grafton Street. It is some distance (250 m) from Sheep Street / North End. | C |
13 November 1813 | To be SOLD by AUCTION, (for the Benefit Creditors), By Mr. DENNIS, At the Bull Inn, in North End. in the Town of Northampton, on Thursday the 13th Day of November instant, at Four o' Clock in the Afternoon. | The Bull Inn was located on the corner of Regents Square and Bull Lane (later Campbell Street) leading to Campbell Square at the read of Holy Sepulchre churchyard. | D |
11 November 1815 | Very eligible Situation for Building. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. Vores, Tuesday next, November 11th, at the Catherine Wheel, Abington Street, Northampton, at Six in the Afternoon, Six Plots or Parcels of Freehold Ground, pleasantly situated at the North End the Town of Northampton on the East Side of the turnpike Road leading from thence to Leicester. The above will be offered in Lots of 15 Feet each in Front; but the Purchasers may be accommodated with an additional Quantity if necessary. | This appears to locate North End extending along the Leicester Road beyond Regents Square. | E |
4 September 1819 | Wanted, a Youth of respectable Parents, and that has been accustomed to the Grocery Business. Apply to J. F. CRANE, North End, Sheep Street | Here North End seems to be considered part of Sheep Street. | F |
2 October 1819 | Freehold and Leasehold Estates. Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHAW On Wednesday 6th Day of October. 1819, at the Cross Keys Inn, Sheep Street, Northampton, at Four O'clock in the Afternoon. Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE. or TENEMENT situate in BROAD LANE in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, the Occupation of Mr. John Fellows, containing a Parlour and Kitchen, on the ground Floor; four good Chambers, an excellent Cellar. large Garden and Yard. Lot 2. Two PIECES of BUILDING GROUND. situated in NORTH END, 100 Feet deep, and 15 Feet wide each. Also. a DWELLING HOUSE. in the said NORTH END, in the Occupation of J. Parker, Esq.; containing a Parlour, Kitchen, and back Kitchen, on the ground Floor, four Chambers, large Garden and Yard. Also, a PIECE or PARCEL of GROUND, North of last-mentioned Premises, well adapted to Building on; containing 220 Feet of Front, adjoining the Turnpike Road, and 100 Feet in Depth. | This indicates that there were some vacant building plots available between the two maps (1746 and 1847). These are at the north end of Broad Lane or in North End itself or in the area of assumed continuation of North End along Leicester Road beyond Regents Square. | G |
4 December 1819 | STOLEN or STRAYED, MONDAY the 29th of NOVEMBER, 1819. out of the BULL YARD, NORTH END, NORTHAMPTON. A dark Dun short-horned white-faced BARREN COW. | The entrance to Bull Yard was in Bull Lane (later Campbell Street). | H |
9 September 1820 | MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WELLINGTON PLACE, NORTH END, NORTHAMPTON. To be SOLD by AUCTION. | This reference to Wellington Place extends North End along the Leicester Road. | I |
24 February 1821 | NORTHAMPTON HOUSE and GARDEN GROUND To be LETT, separately, At Lady Day next, Genteel MODERN HOUSE, for a small Family, with walled Garden, Pump of excellent Water. Stable and other Conveniences, pleasantly situated at the Top of SHEEP STREET, in the Town of Northampton. Also, A PIECE OF GARDEN GROUND, containing about one Rood (more or less) walled round. and lying behind the Messuage, now in the tenure of Mrs. Hannah Pilmuir, and fronting the Road on the East leading from North End by St. Sepulchre's Church Yard towards Newland: and if more desirable this Piece of Ground will be lett upon a Building Lease tor a certain Term of Years. N. B. All the above Premises may be entered upon immediately. | North End by St. Sepulchre's Church Yard towards Newland would appear to be a description of Church Lane. | J |
20 November 1824 | NORTHAMPTON. FREEHOLD ESTATE, Land Tax redeemed. To be SOLD by AUCTION. By Mr. WILKINSON. On Thursday. the Cross Keys Inn, Northampton (subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced). in one Lot, All those SEVEN substantially built FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with the Wash-house, Stable, and Garden adjoining and belonging to the same. Situate in NORTH END. in the Town of NORTHAMPTON on the North Side of St. Sepulchre's Church Yard, and now in the several Occupations of Widow Harris, Thomas Thompson, ____ Briggs, ____ Adams, George Beaus, and Pullev. The Garden is well calculated for building Ground. | These are the first seven properties on the east side of Regents Square from the north side of Holy Sepulchre churchyard. | K |
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