Hidden in plain sight!

Surveyed: 1883 Published: 1887
Primrose Hill Congregational Chapel was built 1901-3, but it was not the first home of the meeting on the Kingsthorpe Road. It had started in 1865 from a group that left Doddridge Castle Hill. First meeting in just one room of a cottage in the area, but they had outgrown this by 1879 and built a small chapel on the corner of Knightley Road at a cost of £800. A much larger plot became available between Agnes and Arnold Roads to which they moved in 1903. The pictures show the location of the earlier building as surveyed in 1883, and another map from 1938, but what is really interesting is that the building still stands today and is incorporated into the premises of Garden Machines.

Revised: 1938 Published: 1943

Maps: Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland maps.nls.uk
Images: Map data ©2019 Google
© Copyright : Graham Ward. All rights reserved.